Ways Introverts Can Become Better Speakers

by Dec 16, 2017Event Case Studies, Great Speakers, Guest Blog, Keynote Speaker0 comments

True, not all introverts are shy but many may be hesitant to the idea of standing in front of a crowd. It may in fact sends shivers down their spine and cause them to act in ways that are not authentic to the natural character.

People make the mistake of thinking of public speaking as a ‘one-way conversation’ where the presenter speaks and the audience listens.

The goal of speakers should be to evoke emotion in their audiences. No, that doesn’t mean you make your colleagues cry at your next business meeting; it just means that you deliver your presentation in a way that engages them.

You’ve seen your share of presentations by now, right? Public speaking has a way of bringing out another version of people. Regurgitating lines you have rehearsed, makes it obvious that you are in “presentation mode”. While being prepared IS important, it can also make you feel distant. You can discuss all the facts and figures you have, but it doesn’t mean anything if the audience isn’t connecting to what you are trying to convey.

To be an effective speaker, you need to learn to merge your authentic self with your “presenter self”. Only then will you be able to connect with the audience and stimulate a response from them. Also, you’ll feel more relaxed and confident when you’re being yourself.

Break out of your shell:

Yes, it’s easier said than done. If it hasn’t happened all your life, it’s not about to happen now and that’s fine! You just need to be comfortable being yourself in front of the crowd. Stand in front of the mirror and give your speech for a few minutes. Do you feel yourself going into ‘speech mode’?

Now, let’s change that up. Think back and tell a fun story from your childhood that you like to share with people. My bet, is that you’ll notice the difference instantly. You’re more relaxed speaking about your childhood, probably more animated and enthusiastic too. This is the authenticity and natural feeling energy you could bring to your speeches. This relaxed, confident vibe is what you should be aiming for.

How do you achieve this?

  • Don’t memorize your material: You’re going to give a speech not deliver a Shakespearean monologue. There’s no need to memorize it, just knowing it is enough. Your speech flows better when you deliver it like a conversation with the audience.
  • Don’t rely on the PowerPoint:Your PowerPoint is NOT the center of the presentation. YOU ARE! A PowerPoint deck is meant to support you. They shouldn’t be the focus of the presentation; YOU are the center of your presentation. Everyone’s eyes should be hooked on you.

For further help, purchase Jon Petz’s book “Boring meetings Suck” for more gems on audience engagement.

Aside from being an inspirational motivational speaker, Jon helps take the mystery out of peak performance to help others perform or speak at their best.

Call his team now at 877-457-3981 to find out more.



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